This is a program that can print your karaoke song books. This program connects to the developer´s servers and obtains the list of themes and lyrics for the songs included on your karaoke CDs. This way, you can create and print song books for each of the CDs you own, and you can also export that information to use it in other programs. The song book database is constantly updated - so, since you get the information from the Internet, you will always have access to the latest song books.
Song List Creator allows to search for a given word in the song book database. It also allows you to look for a specific disc by using its full name, or just the code that was assigned to each of your discs.
The demo version of this program will not let you print or export the information from the song books, or look for updates for any of the included song books. Having acquired this program, however, you will have access to all the information and updates, without having to pay anything again: the updates are free for life.